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Baby Teething Comfort Tips

August 24, 2021

It is bittersweet for many parents when their babies start teething. For many, teething can be a challenging time. However, there are many tips to help soothe your child when the time comes!

When Do Babies Teeth?

No two babies are the same, so the timing for teething varies. Babies can generally start teething anywhere around six months to one year, beginning with their bottom two middle teeth (lower central incisors). Then they follow up with their two top teeth (upper central incisors) and break new teeth every few months.

Signs of Teething

There are several things to look for if you think your baby might be teething. Classic symptoms of baby teething include:

What You Can Do

If your baby’s teething seems to be bothering them, there are a few things you can do to help soothe them.

How Long does Baby Teething Last?

Every baby and every tooth is different, so there is no set timetable for teething. Teething could last anywhere from a few days to a few months, depending on how close together each tooth decides to grow in. After a tooth breaks through the gums, the pain usually subsides and there is usually a break until the next tooth. 

Caring For Your Baby’s Teeth

As soon as your baby’s first tooth appears, oral hygiene and tooth care are very important. To clean their teeth, use a soft, clean washcloth and wipe their teeth twice a day. You can also use a soft-bristled finger toothbrush twice a day on their teeth with water. Fluoride toothpaste should be limited to a small pea-sized amount smeared into the bristles.. 

Dentist Near Me

Regular dental checkups for your child are a must! The American Dental Association recommends scheduling your child’s first dental appointment when they are about one year old. Early dental checkups and appointments set the stage for your child’s tooth health and oral hygiene for the rest of their life! For more information about dental checkups for children, check out this blog! For the best pediatric dentist near me, call Apple Tree Dental for all of your child dentist needs! Our friendly staff is eager to help!